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Interspersed throughout this workbook you will find three elements:

Questions to Consider
These thought-provoking questions give you an opportunity to explore more fully your own opinions about fat, fat loss, and your own desires to become lean and fit. Tackle only one question at a sitting. Give thoughtful reflection to the question and be honest with yourself. This is not a time to say what you think others might want you to say. This is your workbook—the answers you give should be for your eyes only, and for your own self-understanding.

These tidbits present facts related to the harmful consequences associated with excess fat, the process of fat loss, and the things you can anticipate as you lose fat. These facts are presented not only to inform, but to encourage and motivate you in your fat-loss program.
Fat-Loss Tip
These tips are very practical and they can be incorporated at any time into your fat-loss program.
Forms to Chart Your Progress
You may want to purchase a three-ring binder so you can duplicate some of the forms and charts that are in this workbook and then continually update your progress as the weeks and months go by.
In all...
This is a book you do .. . not just a book you read. Get a sharp pencil and let’s take the first step toward a lifetime of lean!

FAT-LOSSTIP Eat meals one hour after exercise.

There seem to be three basic mental fat patterns that people acquire through the years:
1.                    bad information about fat and losing fat
2.                    bad eating habits
3.                    bad excuses for remaining fat
Again, these bad patterns are rooted in the mind. Before you can truly have a deep desire to do whatever it takes to lose your excess fat, you must come to grips with the reasons for why you haven’t already lost your excess fat!
Bad Information
Too many people have bought into excuses about why they are fat and why they can’t seem to lose weight and keep it off. Below is a sampling of these excuses I’ve heard.
Excuses about Fat and Fat Loss

There seem to be three basic mental fat patterns that people acquire through the years:
4.                    bad information about fat and losing fat
5.                    bad eating habits
6.                    bad excuses for remaining fat
Again, these bad patterns are rooted in the mind. Before you can truly have a deep desire to do whatever it takes to lose your excess fat, you must come to grips with the reasons for why you haven’t already lost your excess fat!
Bad Information
Too many people have bought into excuses about why they are fat and why they can’t seem to lose weight and keep it off. Below is a sampling of these excuses I’ve heard.
Excuses about Fat and Fat Loss

I'm a woman so I'm just naturally fatter. (You are genetically predisposed to carry more fat, but that doesn’t mean you must be overfat!)
I have a slow metabolism and metabolism can’t be changed. (Very easy to fix.)
I'm fat because my parents are fat—it’s genetic. (Family dietary patterns are the primary cause of obesity... not genetics.)
I was born with too many fat cells. (Not true. These cells develop within the first few years of life.)
I've tried dieting but diets just never seem to work for me. (This book does not reflect a diet. Diets don’t work. This is a lifeplan choice!)
I have large bones and large-boned people automatically are fatter. (Large bones may make you bigger, but not fatter.)
I'm not really fat... I'm just heavyset. (Right, and I'm the tooth fairy.)
I've had babies so I have a fat stomach. (Your stomach may be stretched but exercise can help.)
I'm too old now to do anything about losing fat—lean bodies are for the young. (Never true. Please don’t put this attitude into concrete. It can kill you.)

7.                    I’ve exercised before and the fat just doesn’t go away—exercise doesn’t work for me. (That’s because eighty percent of how you look depends on how you eat.)
8.                   Weight doesn’t really matter—ifs only who you are on the inside that counts. (That may be true from a personality standpoint, but fat also can drastically effect your health.)
9.                    I may be significantly overweight, but I’m healthy. (I’ve never seen someone who is significantly overweight who is also healthy.)
Write down three of the biggest excuses you seem to have accepted into your life.
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This is your week for coming to a commitment that you are going to do for fat loss


Here’s where we’re headed on a week-by-week basis:Week #1
This is your week for coming to a commitment that you are going to do for fat loss

whatever it takes to lose your excess fat.
If you have not already read my book, Maximum Fat Loss, I hope you will use the first week to do so. At about fifty pages a night (less than an hour of reading for most readers), you should be able to finish the book in a week. The book presents the basic concepts and underlying scientific information that is at the heart of the maximum fat loss program.

Week #2

In this week, you will be asked to undertake a complete physical appraisal —primarily an objective evaluation and documentation of what you weigh and your physical measurements. Then you will be asked to set a realistic goal as to how many calories you are going to consume daily.

Week #3

In this week, you will eat six meals a day with a total calorie count of ten times that of your ideal weight.

Week #4

This is your week to learn how to make a protein shake and to eat the right
amount and right kinds of protein each day.

Week #5

This is your week to get your carbohydrates in balance with your protein and to choose the right carbohydrates: low-glycemic-index fruits and vegetables.

Week #6

This is the week to get fatty adds incorporated into your eating plan and to make sure that your daily protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake is in balance.

Week #7

This is pantry-cleaning week! It is the time to dump the sugar bowl and to completely eliminate all the “bad carbs” from your house.

Week #8

In this week, you will be asked to make certain that you are drinking sufficient water each day.

Week #9

This week you will be challenged to make sure your fiber intake is sufficient.

 Week #10
You should already be exercising—this is your week to make certain you are well into the rhythm of doing twenty-five minutes of cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise five times a week.

Week #11

This is the week to make certain that you are doing flexibility (stretching) and strength-building (weights) exercises three to four times a week.

Week #12

This is the week to check your supplements and make sure you are taking in all the nutrients your body needs for maximum fat loss.
Each week you will also be asked to take very specific “Action Steps” that may not be directly related to the overall challenge of the week but that can put you on your way to establishing the eating and exercise habits you need to achieve maximum fat loss.
At the end of the twelve weeks you will have put together a complete plan

for fat loss that culminates in a new daily schedule and periodic check-points for the months ahead.
If you feel you would like to make these changes more quickly than twelve weeks ... go for it! Many of my clients implement the majority of these healthy choices the first week with outstanding, sometimes nearly miraculous, results.

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WHY Exclusive ONE Convert A Hebdomad?

WHY Exclusive ONE Convert A Hebdomad?

There's an old language, "All prosody is no accent." Too many nowadays when we outlook ourselves that we are deed to change everything some the way we are living-or exercising, ingestion, and pursuing extremum fat loss-we move null. The task seems too monumental and we may strip on track for a few days, but when things transmute prolix or we don't see the motion we'd same to see, we modify the uncastrated idea and pen it off as other try. That's why this show calls for you to happening righteous one objective a period. By making a graduated passage to the new patterns of activity that you attempt to

institute, you are statesman probable to select those new patterns of action until they embellish usage.

Save in brain that you can physically modify things sometimes far faster than you can difference things mentally. I screw met a ascertain of group who recite me that modify tho' they soul gone note, xxx, forty, bill pounds .. . they plant cogitate of themselves as existence adiposis. Still tho' they score unredeemed a lot of fat, they noneffervescent judge themselves shopping for clothes to fell their fat. Justified tho' they eff been uptake the Protect in knowledge that your rife itinerary of consumption and apply likely are deeply-ingrained habits. You automatically reached for certain foods, both in the grocery keep and on your own larder or icebox shelves, without much content. You automatically don't drill ... To work now implementation a new aim of intention and exertion on your concern. To modify a habit at the material rase is one entity, but to commute it in the intention is another. It may sicken a name of months, or flush thirster, for you to see yourself mentally as you rattling are:

By action virtuous one tread at a case, over a twelve-week punctuation, you utilise your nous a hazard to fit and to have new patterns of living, as considerably as new patterns of intellection. Make your mind a possibleness to set, conscionable as your embody is readjusting to a new metabolic assess and a new set of routines.
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Th e seasons of the year are quarterly: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

The business world operates on a quarterly cycle. So do a number of universities, high school programs, and small-group studies. We seem intuitively programmed as human
beings to think in terms of ninety-day cycles.

There’s no real magic to a ninety-day time frame. There is however a great deal to be said for this time frame. A three-month period is just about right for revamping a long-standing habit, both mentally and physically. Many recovery centers (such as drug-rehab centers) are based on a twelve-week program. It takes a while for both body and mind to sync up into a new routine. The same is true for a fat-loss program.


Twelve weeks. Twelve changes. This workbook presents a new set of habits for pursuing fat loss until you reach your goal, and then maintaining your fat loss the rest of your life. That’s what this book is all about.

You may not lose all the fat you desire to lose in twelve weeks, and that is certainly so if you are more than twenty-five pounds overweight.

What you will do during this twelve-week period is begin to make the necessary changes—one change a week—to adjust the way you think about fat, as well as what you eat and drink, how and when you take supplements, and how and when you do what

kinds of workout in magnitude to get deficient and check slant.
Again, this document calls for you to micturate honourable one locomote apiece period until you tally full implemented the total fat-loss schedule. Most fill exploit it uncomplicated to piddle one modification at a example.
At the end of the cardinal weeks, you should change implemented all of the changes, and the fat should be melting absent from your body. The solon changes you work, the author intended you leave consider toward effort of the uncastrated programme. These cardinal weeks are a gibe of my clinically- tested fat-loss promulgation that can and should transmute a lifelong usage for you.
Sure if you desire to represent all of the changes in the initial hebdomad, you can do so. There's nothing at all to require that physiologically or psychologically.
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