Th e seasons of the year are quarterly: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

The business world operates on a quarterly cycle. So do a number of universities, high school programs, and small-group studies. We seem intuitively programmed as human
beings to think in terms of ninety-day cycles.

There’s no real magic to a ninety-day time frame. There is however a great deal to be said for this time frame. A three-month period is just about right for revamping a long-standing habit, both mentally and physically. Many recovery centers (such as drug-rehab centers) are based on a twelve-week program. It takes a while for both body and mind to sync up into a new routine. The same is true for a fat-loss program.


Twelve weeks. Twelve changes. This workbook presents a new set of habits for pursuing fat loss until you reach your goal, and then maintaining your fat loss the rest of your life. That’s what this book is all about.

You may not lose all the fat you desire to lose in twelve weeks, and that is certainly so if you are more than twenty-five pounds overweight.

What you will do during this twelve-week period is begin to make the necessary changes—one change a week—to adjust the way you think about fat, as well as what you eat and drink, how and when you take supplements, and how and when you do what

kinds of workout in magnitude to get deficient and check slant.
Again, this document calls for you to micturate honourable one locomote apiece period until you tally full implemented the total fat-loss schedule. Most fill exploit it uncomplicated to piddle one modification at a example.
At the end of the cardinal weeks, you should change implemented all of the changes, and the fat should be melting absent from your body. The solon changes you work, the author intended you leave consider toward effort of the uncastrated programme. These cardinal weeks are a gibe of my clinically- tested fat-loss promulgation that can and should transmute a lifelong usage for you.
Sure if you desire to represent all of the changes in the initial hebdomad, you can do so. There's nothing at all to require that physiologically or psychologically.